Friday, 27 March 2020


On Monday we showed the children how they could take a photo of their writing and record themselves reading it on the ClassDojo app. We were anticipating that we may need to use this app for online learning and staying connected with our tamariki.

At that stage, we thought we had lots of time to help the children become familiar with ClassDojo at school but as we know it was quickly cut short. Luckily we are still able to set up systems so the children can learn from home.

The rest of this week has been about making connections with the children in our T groups online and for them to navigate and play around with ClassDojo. We have loved getting the videos from children and it has been great to see so many children wanting to share about their pets and homes.

To continue to help with transitioning to online learning for after the school holidays we have created a ClassDojo help page on the tab above. There are videos for children and for parents that are useful.

Already we have received some great photos of the children having fun at home keeping safe in their bubbles. We have even had Luke finally being able to take part in T14's activities all the way from China!

Tī Kōuka see if you can spot the teddy bear in the window. 






"I'm practising my cricket"


"I have been teaching my toys how to write -ing words"

"I've been collecting leaves".

Naomi and Eunice have been having fun playing around with the draw function on ClassDojo,


Monday, 16 March 2020

Our Trip to the Quarry

We had a fantastic day at the Quarry. 

After lunch, we explored the area and had a blast playing in the tussocks. 

We found pinecones and many different seedlings that had fallen off of the trees. 

We climbed trees! 

We created games and huts. 

We rolled down the hills. 

We found this huge stick! 

We had the park ranger Hamish come and talk to us about the Quarry. We are so lucky to have this awesome spot in our backyard.