Friday, 28 August 2020

Road Safety - The Drop Off Zone

This week we have started our Road Safety focus. 

We started by learning about our drop off zone outside of the office. 

We went out and talked about the safest place to stand when we are waiting for our family to pick us up.

Then we practised waiting for the car to stop and getting in on the safe side of the road. 

We also practised walking on the safe side of the footpath - the side closest to the houses, fence or gardens. Then adults can stand on the side that is closest to the road. 

For our writing, we wrote the most important messages in our writing books. Then we made posters to display our important messages. 

We have displayed some of our posters in the studio.

 Lottie and Sam delivered some posters over to Mr Cameron our Principal. He enjoyed hearing about the learning we have been doing and together decided to display some of the posters in our school office. 

They also visited Otumatua and displayed some of our posters there.  

We Made Straw Danglers

First, we saw the idea from a book that we got out of the Library. 

We wrote Miss Ward a list of all of the things that we needed to make our creations. 

We need: 

paper straws



hot glue 


Then we got to work on making them! 

It was so much fun to make. We are going to put them in our bedrooms in the high window!

By Tamsin and Nina

We Made a Huge Sandcastle!

 On Thursday we read a story called Yellow Digger Saves the Whale. 

After that, we had an idea to build a big sandcastle just like the one in the story. 

We dug it for a long long long time. It took us 3 days!! 

By Oscar, Jackson, Meihana and Harry. 

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Tuesday is our Library Day!

Every Tuesday we head to the Library with our T group. 

We make sure to take our library folders and return any old library books. 

Firstly, we like to make a plan of what books we'd like to issue. Then we have time to explore the library and search for books we like!

We love visiting Mr McCallum and asking him to help us find funny and interesting books. 


We know that we are very lucky to have a library at our school. We make sure to be great Kaitiaki by ensuring we put books back in the right place and clean up after ourselves. 

Some of us have been very excited to have a go at reading chapter books!! 

By T15
T14 love library day too. We enjoy sharing stories with each other and reading books that we have chosen.


Friday, 21 August 2020

Open Door Friday

Today lots of people had fun making slimy snails.


The lego wheels were also popular.

"We wanted to test our cars on the ramp".

Some children had fun making up creative games with the Lego. They were being great Interators.

Lots of children had fun with the water play... 

and the playdough.


Walk Wheel Wednesday

 On Wednesday we made an effort to try and walk or wheel to school. You can see from the picture graphs and tally charts that Walk Wheel Wednesday was a success. 

T15 compared their effort from Term 1

T15 term 1

T15 term 3

T14 compared Tuesday and Wednesday this week. 
Walk Wheel Wednesday definitely had more active kids.
They used a tally chart and were learning how to organise the tallies so they are easy to count.

 In T13 more people walked and wheeled than came in the car.

We also looked at this Big Book all about Wheels!

Our maths problem was... 

If we could see 19 wheels, what vehicles could we have? 

Here are our ideas!